One-Day Dental Implants: Should You Consider Them For Your Tooth Restoration?

Dental implants are a great way to permanently improve your smile. Traditionally, dental implants services take several visits to the oral surgeon to complete the process. Thanks to advances in dental technology, you can now have implants placed in just one day. While there are some benefits to getting dental implants in one day, there are some drawbacks to consider. The following are some things you need to know: What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants in One Day?

2 Reasons Why You Should Take Your Child To The Dentist As Soon As The First Tooth Comes In

When your baby's first tooth comes in, you may see it as a time to celebrate another milestone in your child's development. However, that first tooth should also signify that it is time to take your child to see a pediatric dentist for the first time. While you may believe that you have some time before that first appointment is necessary, there are a couple of reasons why an early-in-life dental visit is warranted.

Tooth Replacement Options For Varying Numbers Of Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can be detrimental to your overall health. Since the teeth are largely responsible for the proper mastication of food, people with missing teeth may suffer from digestive issues and nutritional deficiencies. Nevertheless, there are many different dental applications available to replace missing teeth. Various applications may be prescribed based on the number of teeth missing and the condition of the patient's jawbone. Here is a bit of information about available applications for varying numbers of missing teeth.

Deciding If Dental Implants Are Right For You

Missing teeth can leave you feel embarrassed about your smile or make it hard for you to eat certain foods. Dental implants give you the chance to restore your mouth with teeth that look and feel like the real thing. Your dentist uses a titanium implant that embeds in your jaw, providing a secure attachment point for a new crown. Together the rod and crown create a tooth that you don't have to treat differently than the rest of your teeth.

Preventative Dental Care For Children

When it comes to keeping your children's teeth and gums healthy, proper oral hygiene is a must. Teaching them to brush and floss properly can help set them up with healthy teeth for their entire lives. Taking them to the dentist on a regular basis is also key for the development of healthy teeth and gums. Preventative care early on is essential for children as they develop. It can catch dental problems before they become a major issue.